- Write a C program which reads strings from stdin and if a string is consisted of digits, it is treated as a number. Sum all the numbers and write sum to stdout.
- The reading is terminated by end of file, that is, a ctrl-D.
- The length of each string does not exceed 16.
- You may assume the numbers and the sum can be handled with int.
- For converting a string to a number, you may consult strtol().
- For example:
$ gcc ex1-sum-stdin.c $ ./a.out I have 1000 You have 200 I give you 50 Now You have 250. <---- ctrl-D pressed 1250 <---- only 1000, 200, 50 are summed $ ./a.out 100 + 23 = 123 $100 - 23 = 77. <---- ctrl-D pressed 269 <---- 100, 23, 123, 23 are summed
My program:
2021年3月3日 星期三
Unix System Programming (1092)-exer1
exercise 1: a simple C program
張貼留言 (Atom)
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